SAS Pierre LEMÉE, Cécile BUREL , Jennifer BARDET, Notaires associés en Pays d'Auge Notaries - PONT L'ÉVÊQUE
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Drafting a Couple's Will: An Invaluable Gesture for Valentine's Day Drafting a will may seem distant from the romantic spirit of Valentine's Day, but it is a concrete act of love that brings immeasurable security to your relationship. Find out more

Let's explore the reasons why drafting a will as a couple can strengthen your bond while providing shared peace of mind a gift that goes beyond traditional gestures.

Securing a Future Together

By clearly expressing your wishes regarding asset distribution, you ensure the financial security of your beloved partner. A well-drafted will serves as tangible evidence of your commitment to a shared future, bringing peace of mind to both of you.

Avoiding Family Tensions

Joint estate planning helps to sidestep potential family tensions. By explicitly specifying your wishes, you reduce the risks of family disputes, creating a harmonious environment for you and your partner.

Strengthening Financial Unity

Drafting a will also provides an opportunity to optimize the couple's financial management, minimizing tax burdens for the surviving spouse. Thoughtful planning can create a more stable legacy, thus consolidating your financial unity.

Protecting the Relationship in the Event of Death

Clear beneficiary designations and planning for unforeseen circumstances ensure that the person you love benefits from your legacy without unnecessary hassle. It's a way of demonstrating that your love persists beyond life, offering emotional security in times of loss.


This Valentine's Day, go beyond traditional gifts and consider drafting a will as a couple an ultimate expression of enduring love. It's a tangible gesture that shows your partner that you care about the shared future, and your love is prepared to withstand the test of time. Don't hesitate to consult with a professional to guide you through this meaningful process.

Previous informations

Family : International marriage Population movement leads to the creation of international couples. The question then arises of the national law that will govern their matrimonial regime. Find out more

The difficulty comes from the absence of an international rule designating a single law to govern property relations. Each national law may provide for the application of the law of the State where the spouses have lived for more than ten years, or that of their nationality, etc.

The marriage contract allows couples living abroad to register, in a formal document, the law they choose to determine the prerogatives and obligations of each of them on the elements making up their heritage.

In most countries, contracts are recognized if they respect the main legal principles (equality, etc.). The notary takes note of these standards. If the legislation of the State chosen does not allow the organization of these matrimonial relations, by convention, it will be possible to proceed in a country which authorizes it and with which the spouses have, of course, a link.

It should be noted that France and Germany have agreed to establish an optional regime for participation in acquisitions, thus creating a common law for both countries. This scheme is open to French or German residents.